Ranui (originally named El Alamein) is 32’ with a 10’ 6” beam & was built in Auckland by Mac McGeady (Supreme Craft) & launched on the 29th January 1945, for the use of returned servicemen from World War II, who were convalescing at Rotorua Convalescent Hospital. She was built for & by donated the Patriotic Fund, of the Joint Council of the Red Cross & St John, with a shallow draft for her day & designed specifically for use on Lake Rotoiti & was capable of seating up to 40 people. The handing over ceremony was apparently a very formal occasion, according to newspaper writings of the day, with dignitaries of the era, of the ilk of the late Sir Earnest Davis, in attendance.
She was originally built as an open boat, with a smallish cabin, as per the photo & with a bunk room forward.
For the first 4 years of her life Ranui was captained by a William Pollock, & was apparently a familiar sight on the lake, carrying up to 40 convalescing soldiers, many in wheelchairs, on lake excursions, as part of their rehabilitation, to help ease them back in to civilian life.
As the numbers of ex service patients had dropped off by 1949, Ranui was sold in August 1949, to a Ron Martin & the proceeds of the sale, were returned to the Patriotic Fund. He had her trucked to Lake Taupo on the 24th August 1949. Ken feels that it was probably Ron Martin who changed her name from El Alamein to RANUI. He also had a full cabin top fitted to her, 2 years after purchase, by a long time local resident Noel East & was also the first person to have her surveyed.
The next owner, was from Hawkes bay, who used her privately, before on selling her to one of Taupo’s most well known commercial boat operators, Jim Storey. He had her surveyed again & used her for many years commercially, taking fisher people & tour parties sightseeing or fishing on Lake Taupo.
In 1980 Graham Twiss purchased her & he continued what Jim Storey had started for another 34 years.
These days she is maritime surveyed for 23 passengers & has recently been refurbished & revived and is now owned by Dimitri and Siobhan and is based on the Hokianga.
For more historical information see waitematawoodys.com/2015/08/03/el-alamein-ranui.
Arrival in Kohukohu
Ranui was moved to the The Hokianga Harbour by her new owners Dimitri and Siobhan on June 14th 2018 and was greeted by an excited gathering of residents. She will create a new and much wanted link around the Hokianga and form a vital connection between the two major Far North cycle ways.